This romantic musical-drama from director Henri Barakat (The Nightingale's Prayer) features legendary Egyptian singer Abdel Halim Hafez in one of his earliest film roles. He stars as Yehia, a handsome young athlete who succeeds in every endeavor despite having been reared in an unhappy home. When Yehia starts courting the beautiful Samia (Lebanese actress Iman), his delinquent and resentful stepbrother begins acting out in ways that threaten to destroy all chances for the new couple's happiness. Filled with wonderful songs performed by Abdel Halim Hafez (including the classic ballad, Ana Lak Ala Toul) and a lush musical score by Mohamed Abdel Wahab, Days and Nights is a timeless classic that has been loved by many throughout the years.
DVD Special Features
Digitally remastered picture and sound English and French subtitles Direct access to music scenes Rare vintage promotional material Cast and crew biographies Filmographies
This film is available with a Digital Site License (DSL), which allows colleges, universities, or libraries to encode, locally host, and stream the film to their community on a closed, password-protected system.
Rental Information
This film is available from AFD for public screenings and television broadcast. For information regarding rental rates and formats, please contact [email protected] for institutional/non-theatrical screenings, or [email protected] for theatrical, festival, television, or other bookings.